ATM Skimming Devices:

What is ATM Skimming:

ATM skimming involves installing surveillance equipment on ATMs that allows the bad guys to record your account information and PIN number.
They use the information they collect to create a fake ATM cards and will try to use it to steal from your accounts.

How ATM Skimming Works:

The skimming devices are planted on ATMs and are designed to blend in with the ATM machine so you do not notice them.
You insert your ATM card into the phony reader, and your account information is swiped and stored.
Skimming also involves the use of a hidden camera installed on the top or side of the ATM.
It is used to record you typing in your PIN number into the ATMs keypad.

What to look for:


This is a normal looking reader with the glow of the light.

Now there is a Plate over top of the reader designed to capture your card number. If you do not see the glow of the light something is blocking it. atm


Look up at the top of the ATM for a Camera
This is a long skinny box glued to the top. It has a camera in it and recorders your finger pressing the numbers of your PIN.

Look up at the sides of the ATM for a Camera:
Look for anything extra attached to the ATM. This marketing box with brochures has a camera in it pointing at the number pad.

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Other tips for you to avoid being Skimmed:
  • Inspect the ATM before using it. Be suspicious if you see anything loose, crooked, or damaged, or if you notice scratches or adhesive tape residue on the edges.
  • When entering your PIN, block the keypad with your other hand to prevent possible hidden cameras from recording your number.
  • If possible, use an ATM at an inside location less access for criminals to install skimmers
  • Be extra careful and inspect any ATMs in tourist areas, they are the most popular targets of skimmers.
  • If your card isnt returned after the transaction or after hitting cancel, immediately contact your financial institution that issued the card!

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